July 28, 2009. Our first wedding anniversary. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30am. I was excited and nervous and everything in between. The doctor broke my water and so began the waiting game. The doctor came back in and said I was at 4 cm. I held out for several hours then politely requested an epidural which took 3 hours to arrive. By that time I was screaming for the epidural asking "where the H*** is the doctor?" After the epidural the OB came back in and checked me... still at 4 cm. It's been 8 hours. Time for a c-section. I started crying. This is not what I had planned. This is not what I had envisioned. The nurses scurried around as if time was running out. They whisked me into surgery, strapped me to the "cross" and began furiously preparing to remove the child within me. I could not stop shaking. "Where is Tristan?" I kept asking to no one. Finally he arrived and only a few minutes later so did my beautiful baby girl. The doctors passed her around guessing her w

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